IAPP Privacy. Security. Risk 2021

It was great to see old friend and meet new ones at The IAPP Privacy. Security. Risk. Conference (PSR), in San Diego, CA on October 2021. PSR is the number one event focused on the intersection of privacy and technology. Hope to see you again soon!

Hiring Process for Privacy Professionals

May 11, 2021 – Sarah Roberts, VP of Recruitment and Account Management at TRU Staffing Partners, joined Benjamin Siegel and Bob Siegel for this panel discussion to prepare privacy pros for the trials and tribulations of the hiring process.

In-person training to resume in June 2021

Delray Beach, FL, March 29, 2021 – Privacy Ref announced today its plans for returning to in-person privacy training starting June 2021 at their Delray Beach FL location. These courses focus on building the privacy skills of individuals and teams to ensure their organizations’ customer and stakeh...

Privacy Ref Introduces Privacy Pro Training Packages

Delray Beach, FL, March 22, 2021 – Privacy Ref has launched Privacy Pro Training Packages, a new program that offers companies the opportunity to train employees on a flexible schedule at a discounted rate. “Privacy trained employees are an asset to your organization. But as we have frequently he...

Privacy Piracy Radio Show Interview

On March 1, 2021, Mari Frank, host of Privacy Piracy Radio show, interviewed Bob and Ben Siegel. Mari Frank, attorney and privacy consultant, is the co-host with Lloyd Boshaw of Privacy Piracy, a one-hour public affairs radio show at KUCI 88.9 FM and www.kuci.org dealing with all issues of privac...

Our Privacy Services are Expanding

We are a company dedicated to helping organizations develop and implement new or improve existing privacy policies, procedures, and technology, and to fulfill the growing demand for training and privacy assessments in light of the rapidly changing privacy laws and regulations, we are expanding ou...

Privacy Pro training online or in person

The global coronavirus situation is having a major impact on all of our lives. Many of us have concerns with meeting in large groups, getting on an airplane or taking other public transportation, going to a restaurant, staying in a hotel, or simply sitting in a small meeting with people with whom...

Introducing Privacy Quick Start™

Throughout your organization you have individuals who are responsible for personal information. Regardless of their being in the privacy office or part of an operational team, these people need to understand the basics of privacy. Privacy Quick Start™ helps you establish this knowledge in ...