Scope Creep

When new technologies arrive on the scene, there is a rush to use them everywhere. Bluetooth technology led to including it in almost any new product regardless of whether it actually adds anything. Internet connectivity has also seen a similar reaction; most notably I recall a juicer that was co...

New US federal data privacy bill review

How does the draft US federal privacy bill measure up to the GDPR? Months after the “agreement in principle” between the EU and the US for a new ‘Trans-Atlantic Data Privacy Framework,’ a draft federal data privacy bill has been proposed by US Congress members. The question rema...

Connecticut Privacy Law Review

How does the new Connecticut Data Privacy Act compare to other state laws? Both the Connecticut House of Representatives and Senate have approved the new Connecticut Data Privacy Act (CTDPA) as of April 28. From a thorough review, the bill seems to be stronger than some other recent state privacy...

Risk Ranking

In my last webinar about privacy impact assessments, there were some questions about risk and how to rank it. There are several ways to determine risk rankings as well as what a risk actually is. Most important is experience with various situations and in a number of different verticals in order ...

Empathy in privacy

Where is empathy’s place in privacy? In the middle of April, I attended the International Association of Privacy Professionals’ Global Privacy Summit and came back with a few impressions. One came from Author Malcolm Gladwell’s keynote session where he proposed that our questions about privacy an...

Who knows privacy?

Recently I was invited to participate in a panel hosted by the World Bank during Data Privacy Week. In reflecting on the discussion, I began thinking about how people, including children, hear about protecting personal information and how that impacts an organization and its data subjects. 

The Universal Delete Button

It looks like a new tool is on the horizon with the potential to make the lives of people concerned about their personal privacy much easier. The Data Elimination and Limiting Extensive Tracking and Exchange Act or “Delete Act” was introduced February 10, 2022 and has been  referred to the Commit...

The pros and cons of diverging from GDPR

While some lawmakers are mimicking GDPR in their new and proposed data privacy laws, others are distancing themselves from it. Let’s look deeper into why and what the impacts of that decision could be. Going along with GDPR Ever since the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation came into effect i...

The Customer Service Privacy Dilemma

One of the toughest jobs in any company is Customer Service. I am thinking of those folks who are on the phone for their entire shift responding to customer questions and, often, complaints. These unsung heroes have to balance keeping a customer satisfied and protecting the personal information c...

Privacy Lip Service

A few weeks back I expressed the opinion that Americans do not care much about privacy. I based this conclusion on both a lack of drive pushing privacy legislation forward and the general populace exhibiting a rather laissez-faire attitude regarding their personal information. It would appear to ...