Police, Body Cameras, Privacy, and Policy

In the recent past a local police officer was involved in a shooting resulting in a citizen’s death. Soon after, the cry of “if only there was a body camera we would know what happened” was heard. I agree. However any police department needs to put policies in place to protect c...

Business and wearable technology

Over the past few weeks I have been wearing my Google Glass in public. The experiences have been invaluable to my understanding of the privacy implications of wearable technology. Lately I have been giving some thought to the business policy challenges the technology presents.

My first wearable technology adventures

Over the past few weeks I have started to wear my Google Glass in public. The experiences have been invaluable to my understanding of the privacy implications of wearable technology. My evolving perspective on wearable technology has been somewhat unexpected.

A Privacy Pro and Wearable Technology

Privacy professionals, including myself, have been warning of the dangers to privacy from wearable technology. The concerns I have been expressing have been based on reported product capabilities, anecdotal evidence, and published reports. So when I had the opportunity to join the Google Glass Ex...

Wearable technology is coming, but will anyone notice?

When I look through corporate handbooks I often find prohibitions on the use of cameras or recording devices while on a company’s premises. It’s not something that gets brought up in new hire orientation nor something that gets brought up very often at all. Let’s face it, there is a certain amoun...