Police, Body Cameras, Privacy, and Policy

In the recent past a local police officer was involved in a shooting resulting in a citizen’s death. Soon after, the cry of “if only there was a body camera we would know what happened” was heard. I agree. However any police department needs to put policies in place to protect c...

Leave a hair, lose some privacy

We all have seen those police dramas where a forensics specialist finds a hair at a crime scene, the DNA is extracted, and a suspect confirmed. Heather Dewey-Hagborg has taken this a bit further with her project Stranger Visions providing an insight into how that simple hair may compromise privacy.

Facial recognition, familiarity, and the creepiness factor

Several weeks ago there were a number of articles on  British Airways googling their VIP passengers before boarding a flight. This practice allowed BA to step up their  level of customer service including recognizing these people by name as they arrived. BA could also gather all sorts of personal...