About Privacy Ref

The way companies use and store the personal data of their valued customers and their employees has been changing rapidly over recent years. Regulations are constantly evolving and vary greatly between jurisdictions. People have become more sensitive to the collection and processing of their information. It’s for these reasons Privacy Ref was started.

Privacy Ref provides consulting services aimed at helping businesses develop and implement privacy policies, procedures, and technology to address regulations and employ best practices for handling customer data. We take pride in making the process simple for you by learning about your business and your practices to customize our solutions to meet your needs. The company applies lessons learned managing international privacy and security requirements for the enterprise and adapts them to the needs of any business.

Privacy Ref focuses on aligning privacy practices with clients’ organizational and operational goals. We design and implement data privacy programs or enhance existing ones, drawing on our experience and industry best practices. Privacy Ref consultants develop custom privacy programs unique to your business needs.

Our clients’ industries include:

Education Entertainment Financial Services
Credit Monitoring Services Government Healthcare
Utilities Professional Membership Manufacturing
Product Testing Entertainment Healthcare
Human Resources Management Manufacturing Membership Association
Not-for-profit Organizations Professional Training Product Testing
Public Utility Retail Student Testing
Talent Acquisition Technology Services Vehicle Rental

Privacy Ref can affordably provide privacy expertise for businesses nationally and internationally, with services ranging from assessing an existing program, reviewing and creating privacy policies and processes, assisting with training and awareness, building a privacy program from the ground up, or staffing your privacy office for you.

Contact us, email info@privacyref.com, or call (888) 470-1528 today.

Privacy Ref Headquarters: 2240 W. Woolbright Road, Suite 408, Boynton Beach, FL 33426

Privacy Ref New Hampshire: 71 Spit Brook Road, Suite 203, Nashua, NH 03060

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